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US coalition to block North Korean oil

20th September 2018 - 01:37 GMT | by Wendell Minnick in Taipei


A US government effort to build a multinational coalition to monitor North Korean violations of fuel smuggling appears to be gaining steam.

The Trump administration, most likely at National Security Adviser John Bolton’s urging, appears to be reverting to the Bush Administration’s multilateral Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) as a strategy to deal with North Korea.

Chinese, Russian, Taiwanese and even South Korean shipping companies have allegedly violated UN embargoes on providing coal and oil to Pyongyang.  In August, a South Korean shipping company was accused of shipping coal to North Korea.

The coalition effort is part of a carrot-and-stick

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Wendell Minnick


Wendell Minnick

Wendell Minnick (顏文德) was Shephard's Senior Asia Correspondent throughout 2017 and 2018. Wendell is an …

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