The UK Ministry of Defence and French DGA Materials and Components for Missiles, Innovation and Technology Partnership (MCM ITP) programme is launching Innovation Call research activities for 2020 on emerging and low Technology Readiness Level innovations with potential value in missile systems.
UK and French industry, SMEs, research institutes and academia are encouraged to participate in the call, which is interested in relatively small-scale, short duration research activities. It aims to identify and support high potential, innovative ideas and technologies to support missile system capabilities of the future.
In addition to research topics relevant to the MCM ITP technical domains, potentially ground-breaking, disruptive and innovative ideas and areas of research that could be relevant are also being sought. These may include areas that are being pursued in other industries and have the potential for direct read-across.
The MCM ITP sponsored research fund is headed by MBDA and open to all British and French companies and academic institutions. It funds proposals from industry, SMEs and academia on an annual cycle with the aim of developing novel, exploitable technologies for generation-after-next missile systems.