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UK defence funding rocked by budget restrictions

4th September 2024 - 15:04 GMT | by Tony Fyler in Pembrokeshire


It remains uncertain what elements of UK defence spending will be curtailed. (Photo: HMS Kent, UK MOD/Crown Copyright)

Defence spending cuts are implied by UK ministers’ commitments to help plug a public finance “black hole”.

UK minister of defence John Healey has admitted that some of the country’s defence commitments and military projects will likely by cut back or even cancelled altogether as part of a government-side austerity programme.

The UK government, which came in only on 4 July 2024 and represents the first time the leading party of government has changed in 14 years, had initially intended to stick to the defence spending commitments of the previous government. Those included raising the percentage of GDP spent on defence to 2.5% per year by 2030.

Shortly after winning the election, the new government weakened that

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is defence reporter at Shephard. He has experience in business and technology …

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