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Taiwan will push for F-35Bs and KC-135

7th March 2018 - 00:10 GMT | by Wendell Minnick in Taipei


It is official, no matter how illogical the procurement in the face of a massive military threat, Taiwan will request at least three squadrons of F-35B short take-off and vertical-landing (STOVL) fighters and four ageing KC-135 aerial refuelling tankers now being retired by the US Air Force.

Many within the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) see the KC-135 as impractical for combat operations, with China’s improving air defence systems now capable of blanketing the island with both coastal and sea-based air defence systems. 

Aerial refuellers would allow Taiwan’s F-16s to extend trainer time and expand patrol missions, but during

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Wendell Minnick


Wendell Minnick

Wendell Minnick (顏文德) was Shephard's Senior Asia Correspondent throughout 2017 and 2018. Wendell is an …

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