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Starburst taps into Indian startup community

8th October 2020 - 13:15 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Aerospace and defence accelerator Starburst is expanding from the US into India, to work with the fast-growing startup sector in the Asian country.

The aim is to ‘facilitate communication between aerospace and defence corporates and innovative startups within domestic and global landscapes’, Starburst noted in a 1 October statement. 

Starburst intends to launch an early-stage accelerator programme in India, involving corporate partners, defence investors, government agencies, academia and startup companies.

It added that the move into India will allow it to collaborate with ‘frontier tech and heavy engineering companies, while providing specialty services to the startup community in India’.

As part of the expansion, Starburst is deploying a local consulting team and venture development platform in Mumbai, to operate as a an aerospace and defence services and corporate innovation centre for Indian and international client partners. It will also develop partnerships in Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad.

Meanwhile, Starburst is working with NATO and multiple agencies in the UK (RAF, Strategic Command and Dstl) and US (USAF, Space Force) in the Allied Defence Accelerator for space innovations.

Participating companies will be announced on 15 October.

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