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Rolls-Royce and Snecma initiate joint engine studies

30th July 2012 - 16:43 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


Rolls-Royce and Snecma have signed a contract with the UK Ministry of Defence to undertake studies into the next generation of UK and French combat aircraft engines, through their 50:50 Rolls-Royce Snecma Ltd joint venture, established in 2001.

Rolls-Royce and Snecma have also announced that they have signed a collaboration agreement with BAE Systems and Dassault Aviation to work together to explore concepts and technologies as part of the Anglo French Future Combat Air Systems Demonstration Programme Preparation Phase contract.

Nick Durham, Rolls-Royce, president, customer business – defence, said: This collaboration agreement recognises the need for airframe and power and propulsion system suppliers to work together to deliver an optimised affordable solution for the next generation of combat aircraft for the UK and France. It represents an important step towards increased collaboration and, by combining the experience and expertise of Rolls-Royce and Snecma, we can contribute a huge amount to these studies.’

Didier Desnoyer, Snecma Vice President and General Manager, Military Engines, added: ‘This joint venture will capitalise on the long-standing collaboration between Safran and Rolls-Royce on military aircraft engines such as the Adour and TP400. Carrying on this tradition of tight-knit partnership, Rolls-Royce Snecma Ltd. is uniquely placed to access the advanced military propulsion expertise of the two parent companies, based on their proven track records of developing successful combat aircraft engines.”

Rolls-Royce said that the two companies unique access to the knowledge base, technology, infrastructure, supply chain and facilities would allow Rolls-Royce Snecma Ltd to offer a range of power and propulsion solutions for the next generation of combat air vehicle, whether based on derivatives of existing military powerplants or the development of novel power and propulsion concepts.

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