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UK delays FCAS Outline Business Case submission

7th January 2021 - 15:30 GMT | by Tim Martin in London

A key milestone for the UK's Future Combat Air System programme has not yet been met.

The UK MoD combat air acquisition programme team failed to submit its Future Combat Air System (FCAS) Outline Business Case (OBC) in line with an original target of the end of 2020.

Shephard understands that the OBC will now be sent to the MoD’s Investment Approvals Committee for acceptance before April 2021, with postponement necessary to align with Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) outcomes.

Approval of the OBC effectively triggers the start of a formal acquisition programme for the next-generation Tempest effort.

The OBC is expected to make explicit how the project will benefit the UK financially, add more international

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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