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UK ambitions fail to bridge the gap to fiscal reality

18th February 2021 - 13:30 GMT | by The Clarence in London

In a changing world some things stay the same, such as the MoD’s tendency to overcommit itself financially. Can the ministry avoid lurching from one financial crisis to another in the decade ahead?

The UK National Audit Office last month released its annual assessment of the MoD Equipment Plan. This report makes some challenging reading, highlighting that for all the work undertaken by the MoD, it is still struggling to make the books balance.

Over the next ten years, the MoD expects to see a  £7.3 billion ($10.18 billion) shortfall based on a predicted total budget of £190 billion.

Although this appears to be a far better performance than the £13 billion shortfall identified in the previous NAO report, cost growth is likely to get even worse over time, even with the  £16.5

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The Clarence


The Clarence

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