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NGAD exemplifies usefulness of digital engineering

11th February 2021 - 14:30 GMT | by Gerrard Cowan in Belfast

Digital engineering techniques enabled the next-generation USAF fighter to be designed, assembled, tested and flown in rapid time.

The demonstration in late 2020 by the USAF of its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter aircraft underscored the potential of digital engineering, according to Raytheon Intelligence & Space, with the defence company aiming to use similar technology to develop systems for such sixth-generation aircraft and other military programmes.  

At the same time, as technologies and threats evolve rapidly amid the global trend towards the use of digital techniques, the DoD is aware of the need to stay ahead of adversaries who are attempting to harness the opportunities afforded by the digital era.

While the common understanding of digital engineering

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Gerrard Cowan


Gerrard Cowan

Gerrard Cowan is an author having recently published his world-renowned book 'The Machinery'. He …

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