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Israeli concern lingers over Iranian replenishment of Syrian CW

24th September 2020 - 16:00 GMT | by Arie Egozi in Tel Aviv


Israel has targeted Syrian facilities that are allegedly being used — with Iranian assistance — to replenish the country’s stock of chemical weapons (CW).

Shephard understands that the latest such attack, on 11 September about 25km southeast of Aleppo, involved a combination of Israeli Air Force (IAF) assets and long-range surface-to-surface missiles hitting the al-Safira CW complex (pictured).

According to reports on social networks and Lebanese news sites, al-Safira is the biggest facility of its kind in Syria, although it has come under Iranian control. The complex also houses ballistic missiles, according to Israeli intelligence sources.

Syrian anti-government organisations

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Arie Egozi


Arie Egozi

Born in Israel, Arie Egozi served in the IDF and holds a political science and …

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