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BECA agreement binds India and the US

27th October 2020 - 23:33 GMT | by Neelam Mathews in Delhi

A new agreement between India and the US strengthens the bilateral sharing of military information.

The long-awaited Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) between the US DoD and Indian MoD has come at an opportune time as India faces Chinese aggression in Eastern Ladakh.

The agreement was signed in Delhi on 27 October during the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper. 

The two US officials were in India to attend the 2+2 Dialogue between the nations’ defence and external affairs ministers to discuss common strategic and security interests. This signing has now sealed the ‘trust’ factor between the two nations.

Importantly, BECA gives India access to geospatial data that

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Neelam Mathews


Neelam Mathews

Neelam Mathews was born in India and completed her education in London.

She has written for …

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