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Parsons leads industry team to protect USAF bases

25th January 2021 - 16:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team

System will comprise commercial and government off-the-shelf technologies.

Parsons Corporation is heading an industry team to pursue a ten-year, $953 million contract to protect USAF installations in Europe and Africa.

The team, which also comprises Leidos, SAIC and SRC, aims to design, mature, procure, integrate, operate, and maintain base air defence systems.

The open architecture, platform-agnostic solution will focus on maturation of an all-domain system comprising COTS and government off-the-shelf software and hardware technologies ‘with an integrated design to protect existing and future air bases’, Parsons noted in a 25 January statement.

Parsons programme manager Shaun McGrath said: ‘As asymmetric threats from emerging technologies continue to proliferate, we're focused on developing a flexible, responsive, all-domain air base defense system to rapidly detect, alert, deny or defeat threats ranging from low-cost irregular attacks to hypersonic weapons.’ 

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