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Moscow beefing up its MiG-31 fleet

8th February 2019 - 10:34 GMT | by Alexander Mladenov in Sofia


The Russian military has extended the scope of its MiG-31BM/BSM upgrade programme by placing a new contract for overhauled and deeply upgraded aircraft.

The works, to be undertaken at NAZ Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhny Novgorod, a subsidiary of RSK MiG, will involve 40 to 50 MiG-31BS two-seat fighters-interceptors, to be upgraded to the MiG-31BSM standard.

According to Yury Slyusar, president of United Aircraft Corporation (the parent company of RSK MiG), the entire MiG-31 fleet of the Russian MoD is slated to be cycled through the comprehensive upgrade, with completion expected by 2023.

Currently, the Russian Air and Space Force

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Alexander Mladenov


Alexander Mladenov

Alexander Mladenov is a Shephard correspondent based in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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