Great Lakes announces February 2010 traffic
Great Lakes Aviation has reported its preliminary passenger traffic results for February 2010.
Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) showed a slight increase, by 0.4%, at 9,672,000 compared with 9,634,000 in February 2009. Available seat miles (ASMs) totalled 29,100,000, a 5.5% decrease from last February’s 30,785,000.
This led to a 2.0 percentage point increase in the load factor with February’s figure standing at 33.24% compared with 31.29% in the same peiod last year. The total number of passengers carried dropped to 33,255 from 35,042 for the respective periods, a 5.1% decrease.
The revenue per ASM (RASM), however, was up 4.3% at 29.76¢ from 28.54¢ last February.