The European Defence Agency (EDA) has launched a Request for Projects (RFP) on dual-use technology research, as announced by the agency on 16 February.
This initiative aims at identifying innovative dual-use research and technology projects that could be funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to benefit both defence and civil sectors in various fields, including propulsion, sensors, materials, nanotechnologies and electronics.
The projects are to be submitted to the national ministries of defence, with EDA and the ministries to then select projects based on performance and eligibility criteria. Large, small and medium-sized companies, academia, research centres and public bodies may submit their projects.
Apart from possible ESIF funding, the selected projects will also receive free, customised technical assistance from an international consulting firm contracted by the EDA specifically for this initiative. The technical support will aim to fully develop the project folder that will be submitted to the ESIF managing authorities.