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Dutch MoD targets two more frigates as part of future defence plans

6th September 2024 - 18:15 GMT | by Ben Watts


An artist impression of the ASWFs the Royal Netherlands Navy plans to procure two more of. (Image: Dutch MoD)

The latest defence memorandum from the Dutch government has suggested that funding would be increased, with the procurement of more frigates, F-35s and Leopard 2A8s expected.

The Dutch Ministry of Defence (MoD) has released its 2024 Defence White Paper in which it has revealed that it wants to procure two additional frigates, more F-35s, Leopard 2A8s, NH90 helicopters and drones.

With a large nod towards enhancing its position within the NATO alliance, the MoD commented: “The army will once again have its own tanks, the air force will receive additional F-35s and the navy will take delivery of additional frigates for anti-submarine warfare.”

The 2024 Defence White Paper led with a promise that the country would invest in boosting and sustaining the production of military equipment.

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Ben Watts


Ben Watts

Ben Watts is Managing Editor at Shephard

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