DSEI 2021: Chess Dynamics expands its portfolio with new Hawkeye MMP
Chess Dynamics launches the Hawkeye MMP at DSEI. (Photo: Chess Dynamics)
UK- based Chess Dynamics has announced the release of the new Hawkeye Modular Mission POD (MMP) long-range surveillance device.
The Hawkeye (MMP) is the newest modular EO solution from Chess for tracked and wheeled vehicles.
Following the launch of its previous EO system (part of the Sea Eagle family) at the Sea Air Space event in August, Chess chose DSEI 2021 to showcase its new plug-and-play solution.
Hawkeye MMP is a robust, fully modular and reconfigurable system with payload options ranging from surveillance to targeting and C-UAS scenarios.
Building on the combat-proven Hawkeye vehicle system for long-range detection and 24h target observation, the MMP boasts an easy-to-use interface.
‘We are proud to expand our combat-proven Vehicle Systems portfolio for long-range detection and 24-hour target observation with the Hawkeye MMP. It has a proven capability in meeting customers' vehicle surveillance requirements for accuracy, full integration and interoperability, and is testament to the innovative engineering capabilities of our team,’ said David Tuddenham, group MD of Chess Technologies.
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