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DSA 2018: Taiwan showcases hardware

17th April 2018 - 01:15 GMT | by Wendell Minnick in Kuala Lumpur


Taiwan’s state-owned military industry is offering ships, missiles and radars to defence customers at this year’s 2018 DSA in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The display by Taiwan’s defence industry was unusual, which has long shied away from open promotion of its indigenous weapon systems on the international market.

The National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) and the Material Production Centre (MPS) displayed more than 20 different weapon systems for sale.

The NCSIST showcased the stealthy 500t Tuo Chiang-class missile corvette for patrol and mobile strike missions, in service in Taiwan’s navy since 2015. The catamaran-designed vessel is armed

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Wendell Minnick


Wendell Minnick

Wendell Minnick (顏文德) was Shephard's Senior Asia Correspondent throughout 2017 and 2018. Wendell is an …

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