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Disruptive technology holds the key to multi-domain integration, says STRATCOM chief

27th May 2021 - 15:39 GMT | by Andrew White in London


Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, head of UK Strategic Command. (Photo: RUSI)

The UK must innovate and develop a ‘competitive edge’ with AI, quantum computing and other emerging technologies if it is to achieve effective multi-domain integration, Gen Sir Patrick Sanders told the RUSI Strategic Command Conference.

Multi-domain integration (MDI) continues to attract the attention of UK defence strategists, reflecting the importance of the concept in the March 2021 MoD Command Paper 'Defence in a competitive age'.

Most recently Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, head of UK Strategic Command (STRATCOM), described how cyberspace, science and technology (S&T) and rapid decision-making would help the armed forces achieve an operational advantage over peer adversaries across the modern battlespace.

Addressing the RUSI Strategic Command Conference 2021 on 26 May, Sanders stressed the importance of MDI as a means of successfully competing below the threshold of war.

'Innovation and developing a competitive

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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