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Collins Aerospace demonstrates CJADC2 sensor technology

25th August 2021 - 17:57 GMT | by Shephard News Team

Collins Aerospace has announced a new sensor technology demonstration in partnership with the Utah Air National Guard.

Collins Aerospace has announced demonstration of advanced communication, mission computing and sensor technologies in support of Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) and Advanced Battle Management (ABMS) efforts for the Utah Air National Guard.

The demonstration took place at Roland R. Wright Air National Guard Base, Salt Lake City, Utah, and also involved the 151st Air Refueling Wing, Collins noted in a 25 August news release.  

'The demonstration showed how integrated technologies and joint connectivity can provide warfighters with the actionable data and increased situational awareness they need to make informed, split-second decisions in evolving threat conditions against cyber-sophisticated adversaries,' added the manufacturer. 

'The demonstration took place on a Block 45 retrofitted KC-135 featuring Collins’ real-time information in the cockpit (RTIC) system and included live-fly elements that simulated a forward deployed element as the primary information gathering source and an airborne relay element.' 

The forward deployed element was also successful in identifying and processing key target information and transmitting collected data over the Collins Tactical Targeting Networking Technology (TTNT) mesh network directly to the flight deck.

'Collins’ Rosetta message processing software and Multiple Level Security (MLS) system captured this data and encrypted the incoming messages to ensure they retained their respective security levels,' stated the release. 

'Then the software seamlessly sent the messages to those leading and/or executing the mission in the moment.'

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