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C-Guard fires CANTO Torpedo Decoy

7th June 2016 - 11:45 GMT | by The Shephard News Team


The C-Guard Decoy Launching System from Terma has successfully fired a CANTO Torpedo Decoy from DCNS, using a Chemring Launch Module, in joint operational trials of their Torpedo Defence Solution, Terma announced on 3 June.

The main purpose of these trials was the live confirmation of the ability of the 130mm CANTO decoy to lure incoming hostile torpedoes away from their original target the companies said. The trials also aimed to test the performance of the launch module from Chemring and the launch capability of the Terma C-Guard system.

The trials were conducted from the Royal Danish Navy's HDMS Iver Huitfeldt, facilitated by the Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organisation. They took place off the Northern Zealand coast in Denmark.

Once the C-Guard launches the CANTO, the decoy enters the water and begins emitting numerous acoustic signals to mask the noise of the ship. It also generates several false targets, diluting the homing ability of the hostile torpedo targeting the ship that launched the decoy.

The ship is then able to perform evasive manoeuvres to steer away from the target zone and into safety. The torpedo homes in on the false targets and eventually dissipates its power or fuel.

With the trials completed successfully, the C-Guard has become the first Decoy Launching System that is fully integrated with the CANTO functionality and qualified to deploy the torpedo decoys.

René d’Ambrières, underwater weapons business unit director, DCNS, said: 'All expectations set before the trials were fulfilled and DCNS, Chemring, and Terma are all very satisfied to confirm their capacity to develop cutting-edge anti-torpedo warfare capabilities, including the design and production of the countermeasure, sea-proven on board naval platforms, which is a real asset in the naval market worldwide.'

Thomas Leistiko, vice president, CCS sales, Terma, said: 'The future perspective for Terma and DCNS is to strengthen the joint venture of C-Guard and CANTO 130mm and promoting a state-of-the-art torpedo defence solution for the present and emerging requirements for torpedo self-protection systems for naval units across the world.'

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