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Boeing pushes for F-15EX ‘predictability of demand’ as budgeting unsettles production

11th May 2022 - 16:00 GMT | by Tim Martin in Belfast


An F-15EX prepares to fire an AIM-120D missile during a weapons system evaluation. (Photo: USAF)

As the USAF tinkers with F-15EX production plans, Boeing could be faced with difficult industrial base decisions.

In response to USAF plans to procure fewer F-15EX fighter jets in FY2023, Boeing has admitted such a move would create a significant industrial base challenge.

The USAF wants to accelerate production of the fourth-generation aircraft from 12 to 24 jets, but would also buy a maximum of 80 units, 64 fewer than an original requirement and far short of the 200 Boeing had previously targeted.  

‘On the one hand, the air force wants these jets built quickly but on the other, the Future Defense Plan indicates that they will stop at 80,’ said Prat Kumar, VP and programme

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Tim Martin


Tim Martin

Tim Martin is Air Editor for Shephard Media, based in Belfast. 

Tim has experience writing …

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