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Australia investigates autonomous CBRN sensing and search

14th May 2021 - 10:07 GMT | by Shephard News Team


An Australian team is looking to develop autonomous CBRN sensing capabilities. (Photo: DST Group)

Australian CBRN study includes private sector support for the Defence Science and Technology group.

Perth-based Strategic Elements Ltd is conducting a feasibility and scoping study with the Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group in the Australian Department of Defence, to explore CBRN autonomous sensing and search.

The study will include the integration of DST search algorithms into a Stealth Technologies UAV that is autonomously launched from and landed by a UGV (also provided by Stealth Technologies).

Planck Aerosystems also supports the study with its autonomous UAV technology, Strategic Elements announced on 14 May.

‘The autonomous UGV would enable carriage of drones and sensors into the target environment keeping humans at a safe distance,’ Strategic Elements added. ‘The autonomous UAV enables rapid traversing of the area using sensors to map and/or monitor the location of CBRN sources.’ 

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