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AUSA 2013: US budget problems a ‘perfect storm’ impacting acquisition

23rd October 2013 - 18:52 GMT | by Tim Fish in Washington DC


The swirl of a US budget affected by continuing resolution, sequestration, furlough and a government shutdown has been described as a ‘perfect storm’ that will affect acquisition programmes.

Speaking at the AUSA 2013 exhibiton, Heidi Shyu, the assistant secretary of the army for acquisition, logistics and technology, said that with budget restrictions she will have to look at the equipment portfolios and where to make cuts.

‘I have to tie in with the army on the operational side and ask what is the most important capability and what are they willing to give up,’ she said.

US Army acquisition is

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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