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Asia and Middle East drive global defence spending rise

12th February 2015 - 15:22 GMT | by Grant Turnbull in London


Emerging economies in the Middle East and Asia are boosting global defence spending for the first time since 2010, a study by a leading UK think tank has revealed.

In its annual assessment of military capabilities and defence budgets, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) said global defence outlays had increased 1.7% in 2014.

The increase comes after three years of real reductions in military spending across the world. Instability in both regions has pushed governments to increase spending on military equipment.

The IISS said nominal defence spending in Asia had increased by more than a quarter since 2010

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Grant Turnbull


Grant Turnbull

Grant Turnbull was the editor of Land Warfare International and Digital Battlespace magazines with Shephard …

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