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Analysis: Mexican defence industry

20th October 2016 - 11:22 GMT | by Erwan de Cherisey in Paris


Mexico has been developing and producing its own weapon systems since the early 20th century and went through phases of building its own aircraft, armoured vehicles and ships, although it eventually withered away.

Over the past decade, there has been a resurgence directed by Mexico’s Secretariat of National Defence (SEDENA) and General Directorate of Military Industries (DGIM).

In the field of small arms, DGIM has moved from licence manufacturing foreign weapons, to developing and producing its own designs. The FX-05 Xihucoatl 5.56mm assault rifle was developed in 2005 to replace the 7.62mm Heckler & Koch G3 assault rifles used by

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Erwan de Cherisey


Erwan de Cherisey

Erwan de Cherisey is a writer on international affairs and defence.

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