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$111 billion being spent globally on transport and tanker aircraft over next decade

1st November 2019 - 09:33 GMT | by İlker Aktaşoğlu in London


The global market for tactical airlift, strategic transports and tanker aircraft is expected to reach $111 billion over the next ten years, according to new research by Defence Insight.

With a number of large programmes in full-rate production the Military Aircraft Market Report and Forecast projects spending to be broadly flat between 2019 to 2023, only to drop afterwards. 

The key driver behind this is the conclusion of V-22 programme, procurement of which will begin to wind down from 2023 in advance of completion in 2026 unless Boeing is able to find another export customer for the platform.


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İlker Aktaşoğlu


İlker Aktaşoğlu

İlker is Defence Insight Manager at Shephard Media. He has over 15 years of experience in …

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