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Warsaw hovers over its helicopter programmes

20th June 2018 - 12:56 GMT | by Michal Jarocki in Warsaw


The Polish MoD has shed some light on its plans for the long awaited modernisation of its helicopter fleet emphasising the prioritisation of new ASW helicopters.

Firstly, the Armament Inspectorate has announced that it has withdrawn its invitation for bidding companies to submit their final offers in the tender for eight new CSAR helicopters for the SF. 

This decision was a result of the change in procurement priorities, with the MoD underlining in an official announcement made on 14 June that ‘the special forces operate mostly modern, merely several years old, helicopters in the armed forces. Withdrawal of the invitation

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Michal Jarocki


Michal Jarocki

Michal Jarocki is a Shephard correspondent based in Warsaw, Poland. He is reporting on military …

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