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USS Normandy, HSL 46 Det 3 provide relief to Haitian earthquake victims

20th January 2010 - 10:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron (HSL) (Light) 46 Detachment 3, embarked aboard USS Normandy (CG 60), completed the first of many humanitarian relief missions inside Port-au-Prince, Haiti on January 18.

HSL 46, based in Mayport, Fla., had been tapped to help deliver food and water, as well as movement of personnel, to include troops and Haitian nationals needing medical assistance.

On their first day of humanitarian efforts, the HSL 46 Det 3 made 19 support flights in and out of Port-au-Prince airport and throughout Haiti's capital. The SH-60B helicopter and crew transported 200 cases of water—approximately 600 gallons—and 349 cases of meals ready to eat —approximately 4,188 individual units—to affected areas in Haiti. The crew also transported a total of 58 people, to include two Haitian nationals to other shore-side medical facilities, and U.S. Army soldiers who will provide security at aid distribution drop points.

"Efforts on day one were concentrated primarily on stabilization of select areas," said Lt. David A. Hoopengardner, HSL 46 Det 3 pilot.

There are two helicopters from HSL 46 Det 3 embarked aboard Normandy. Both will make flights simultaneously during their participation in Operation Unified Response.

"It's a great feeling to contribute like this, to know what you are doing is directly going to assist the Haitian people," said Hoopengardner.

More than 10,000 Sailors and Marines are currently involved in the Haiti humanitarian relief effort. A total of approximately 17 ships, 48 helicopters and 12 fixed-wing aircraft are engaged in delivering relief supplies for distribution to affected areas.

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