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US to sell guided rockets to Iraq

13th November 2014 - 12:19 GMT | by Tony Skinner in London


The US State Department has approved the sale of Advanced Precision Kill Weapon Systems (APKWS) guided rocket systems to Iraq, it was announced on 12 November. 

In a formal notification of the possible sale, it was revealed that Iraq is seeking 2000 APKWS munitions as well as spare parts and logistical support at a cost of some $97 million. 

The BAE Systems-produced weapon is already in service with the US Marine Corps and US Navy while the Royal Jordanian Air Force plans to equip two CASA 235 aircraft with APKWS, which transforms a standard unguided 70mm rocket into a precision

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Tony Skinner


Tony Skinner

Tony Skinner is Shephard Media's Creative Director, overseeing the strategic direction, content development and project …

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