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US DoD retains civilian airlift contractors in Afghanistan

7th November 2013 - 13:56 GMT | by Jonathan Tringham in London


The US has extended three civilian contracts for helicopter air transportation in Afghanistan worth $272.9 million, it has emerged.

On 1 November, the US Department of Defence (DoD) announced the renewal of three existing rotary-wing aircraft contracts in Afghanistan, awarding $151.6 million to AAR Airlift Group, $33.6 million to Columbia Helicopters, and $87.7 million to Construction Helicopters.

The deal calls for the US contractors to provide a mixture of medium, heavy and super-heavy lift helicopters, as well as the personnel, equipment, tools, material, maintenance and supervision services necessary to perform passenger and cargo air transportation services throughout Afghanistan.

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Jonathan Tringham


Jonathan Tringham

Jonathan Tringham is a former Shephard staff reporter based in the UK. Jonathan worked in …

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