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Thailand requests AH-6i helicopters

25th September 2019 - 14:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The government of Thailand wants eight AH-6i helicopters from the US government under a foreign military sale.

The US State Department has made a determination approving the possible $400 million sale on 24 September.

The eight AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters will form part of a package that also includes AGM-114R Hellfire missiles and Advance Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) rockets.

Also included are ten M134 mini guns, ten M260 rocket launchers; ten M299 Longbow Hellfire launchers; ten AN/APN-209 radar altimeters; four GAU-19/B .50 cal machine guns; Hydra 70 rockets; AN/AVS-6 Night Vision Goggles; Wescam MX-10Di cameras; AN/APX-123 IFF; AN/ARC 201E-VHF-FM; AN/ARC-231 w/ MX-4027; LN-251 Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System; along with training, maintenance and support equipment.

Thailand wants the helicopters to will improve the Royal Thai Army’s light attack and reconnaissance capabilities, and replace its aging fleet of seven AH-IF Cobra helicopters.

Boeing will be the prime contractor if the sale goes ahead.


Wescam MX-10D


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