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Spain orders complete electronic defence suite for Chinooks

20th January 2022 - 14:35 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The Spanish Army operates a fleet of 17 Chinooks. (Photo: Boeing)

Indra is providing an array of defensive EW systems to equip Spanish Army CH-47F helicopters.

CH-47F Chinook helicopters operated by the Spanish Army will be equipped with the InWarner EW sensor from Indra Sistemas.

The Spanish company announced a €35 million ($39.73 million) deal on 18 January, although it did not disclose when the work will finish.

InWarner ‘will offer the maximum effectiveness in neutralising attacks by integrating missile detection alerters and a laser alerter that warns of the presence of enemy target designators,’ Indra noted.

The system will also include the Indra ALR-400FD digital radar warning receiver for long-range detection and identification of enemy platforms and other radar threats.

Indra claimed that ALR-400FD ‘instantly’ monitors the entire radar spectrum, increasing the chances of success against frequency-hopping techniques. The company received a contract in 2020 to equip Spanish NH90 helicopters with this system.

Additionally, the Spanish Chinooks will feature the InShield DIRCM system to protect against heat-seeking guided missiles. InShield has been ordered for Spanish A400Ms and NH90s.

Boeing is currently completing an upgrade for the Spanish Army fleet of 17 CH-47D Chinooks to the CH-47F configuration.


CH-47F/MH-47G Chinook


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