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Sikorsky to advance VTOL X-Plane programme

13th December 2013 - 11:56 GMT | by Jonathan Tringham in London


The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Sikorsky Phase 1 of the VTOL Experimental Aircraft (X-Plane) programme.  

The new contract, valued at $15 million, aims to develop the preliminary design for a high-speed vertical take-off and landing aircraft, with the hover capability of a helicopter.

Sikorsky Innovations is developing its unmanned Rotor Blown Wing (RBW) concept for the VTOL X-Plane in conjunction with Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works.

The contract duration is 22 months, and DARPA has set a programme timeframe for Sikorsky to build and fly a demonstrator aircraft with first flight slated for the fourth

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Jonathan Tringham


Jonathan Tringham

Jonathan Tringham is a former Shephard staff reporter based in the UK. Jonathan worked in …

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