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Salt water blamed for multiple AH-64E Apache parts issues

20th April 2018 - 17:22 GMT | by Ashley Roque in Washington


Salt water corrosion issues have forced the US Army to stop accepting deliveries of Boeing's AH-64E Apache attack helicopter.

During a 20 April press conference, army secretary Mark Esper confirmed that the service has stopped accepting deliveries of the AH-64E Apache due to strap pack nut assembly — a large bolt designed to hold the rotor blades onto the helicopter — as well as 'a couple of other safety concerns'.

'It's most susceptible to these problems when it's near salt water, near the oceans,' Esper explained. 'My recollection is we found it, we found some of it in those areas

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Ashley Roque


Ashley Roque

Ashley Roque joined Shephard Media in January 2018 as its North American Editor, based in …

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