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Quad A 2016: US Army rolls out Apache upgrades

28th April 2016 - 21:15 GMT | by Grant Turnbull in Atlanta


The latest batch of remanufactured AH-64E Apache ‘Guardian’ attack helicopters for the US Army are beginning to roll off the production line with a comprehensive set of capability upgrades.

Starting this year with Production Lot 5, the service is introducing several new capabilities known as Version 4 (V4) technology insertions. This includes communication and situational awareness enhancements, as well as several safety improvements for the aircraft.

Lot 5 AH-64Es are currently being remanufactured at Boeing’s facility in Mesa, Arizona. Earlier this month, Boeing announced that it had been awarded a $1.5bn contract to remanufacture 117 AH-64D models to the E

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Grant Turnbull


Grant Turnbull

Grant Turnbull was the editor of Land Warfare International and Digital Battlespace magazines with Shephard …

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