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Quad A 2016: Lakota FMS efforts stepped up

28th April 2016 - 17:30 GMT | by Grant Turnbull in Atlanta


With end of production on the horizon for the US Army's UH-72A Lakota, Airbus Helicopters Inc (AHI) is redoubling efforts to find international customers for its Mississippi-built helicopter through all-important foreign military sales (FMS).

Lakota production is currently planned to continue into 2018, with the US Army and Congress both expressing a desire to procure more aircraft. Though once the company fulfils all its US Army orders there are currently no international customers that can sustain Lakota production at the Columbus, Mississippi, plant.

So far, the US arm of Airbus Helicopters has only been able to secure six FMS

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Grant Turnbull


Grant Turnbull

Grant Turnbull was the editor of Land Warfare International and Digital Battlespace magazines with Shephard …

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