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Quad A 2015: V-280 assault variant fitted with future cockpit

30th March 2015 - 16:33 GMT | by Tim Fish in Nashville


Bell Helicopter is displaying an assault variant of its mock-up of the V-280 Valor tiltrotor at the Quad A exhibition in Nashville.

The aircraft has been fitted with actuators situated in the centre of the airframe under the wing that can extend outwards and launch Hellfire missiles.

It is also fitted with a Force 2025 cockpit, a concept design of what a future cockpit layout could be. Both the cockpit concept and the actuators were built in cooperation with Lockheed Martin and are on display for the first time at Quad A.

The future cockpit has a touchscreen visual display

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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