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Quad A 2015: US develops training around Lakota fleet

31st March 2015 - 14:18 GMT | by Tim Fish in Nashville


US Army Aviation will establish its pilot training around 187 UH-72A Lakota helicopters based at Fort Rucker within three years.

Lt Col David Cheney, project manager for PEO Aviation Utility Helicopters told Shephard that the training fleet will transition from 224 OH-58 Kiowas and TH-67 Creek helicopters to 187 UH-72 Lakotas by early 2019.

An Airbus spokesperson said that there will be 100 new aircraft and 87 modified aircraft that come from the existing inventory. The delivery of the first new aircraft took place in March and it is the first aircraft that has all the training equipment on board

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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