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Qatar announces $24 billion in defence contracts

28th March 2014 - 13:41 GMT | by Jonathan Tringham in London


The Qatar Armed Forces has awarded an estimated $24 billion in defence contracts for the purchase of tanks, helicopters, missiles and other weapons, it was revealed on 27 March.  

The contracts, announced on the final day of the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition (DIMDEX) in Qatar, included 24 AH-64E Apaches, 22 NH90s, new UAVs, patrol boats, radar platforms and other equipment from more than 20 defence contractors across France, Germany, China, Turkey and the US.

Several US companies were among the big winners, with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin securing a $7.6 billion contract for the

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Jonathan Tringham


Jonathan Tringham

Jonathan Tringham is a former Shephard staff reporter based in the UK. Jonathan worked in …

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