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​Portugal on search for Alouette replacements

24th March 2017 - 14:00 GMT | by Helen Haxell in London


Portugal's Minister of National Defense has given the go-ahead to replace six Alouette IIIs currently being operated by the country's air force.

At this stage, no replacement aircraft has been decided on although in a comment to Shephard the ministry stated that authorisation had now been given.

'There is no decision on which helicopters to get. This is an authorisation to carry out the procedure,' said the spokesperson.

Steps are now being taken for the acquisition of five helicopters, to replace the current six, but with an option of an additional two aircraft.

The Portuguese Air Force's current fleet of

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Helen Haxell


Helen Haxell

Helen Haxell was Air Editor at Shephard Media, having joined in February 2016 as Editor …

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