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Philippines sources Huey parts from Japan

13th June 2018 - 06:30 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Hong Kong


Japan will supply a variety of spare parts for Bell UH-1 helicopters to the Philippines, with the transfer approved earlier this month.

According to the Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Agency (ATLA) of the Japanese MoD, the agreement was concluded on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on 2 June.

Japan will donate the helicopter parts for free. The monetary value is not known, but last year the PAF was talking about it being worth up to $96 million.

The backbone of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) rotary-winged fleet is ageing UH-1Hs dating from the Vietnam War era, and

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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