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Onboard Systems Receives FAA Certification for Eurocopter AS355 Replacement Cargo Hook Kit

12th January 2010 - 07:15 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Onboard Systems has announced that its new replacement cargo hook kit for the Eurocopter AS355 aircraft has been certified by the FAA and is currently in production.

Onboard has also submitted the kit to Transport Canada and EASA for certification in Canada and Europe, respectively.

"While Onboard offers a full suspension system for the Eurocopter AS355, we've received many requests from operators of the OEM-supplied system who are interested in replacing their legacy hook with an Onboard hook," said Karsten Lemmon, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Onboard Systems. "This new kit was developed in response to these requests, and will give operators a cost-effective option to switch out their old hook for an Onboard hook."

The new replacement kit for the Eurocopter AS355 features Onboard's innovative TALON Keeperless Cargo Hook and a protective built-in bumper ring with travel limits. The keeperless design eliminates the possibility of losing a load that inadvertently gets past the keeper by replacing the keeper with a unique load beam system that stays open after the load is jettisoned.

In addition, the keeperless hook design can safely handle a wide variety of load ring sizes and styles and offers many other safety and maintenance benefits. The bumper ring prevents both the hook and control cables from impacting the frame and causing damage that could lead to an inadvertent load release.


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