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Norwegian NH90 undergoes operational testing

19th October 2009 - 10:45 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Norway's first NH90 helicopter has been operating from a North-Cape class Coast Guard vessel as part of its operational testing.

The aircraft operated from the KV Nordkapp at Helligvær in Vestfjorden to see if it will meet the requirements for take-off and landing, particularly in terms of pitch and roll for the ship.

The tests began with the synchronization of the measuring equipment, the testing of radio equipment on the deck and around the vessel. Eventually, the take-off and landing was tested under increasing ship movement.

The Norwegian Armed Forces said that the test started under very favorable weather conditions, but with a storm warning for the afternoon and conditions deteriorated rapidly with winds gusting to 60 knots.

Lt. Col. Ivar Dyrdal, project manager of FLO, said that delivery of NHI NH90 is expected to begin during the second half of 2010. The testing is part of the qualification tests that industry conduct to demonstrate that the helicopters meet the contract requirements.

He said: "When the helicopters arrive in Norway, the military has to have a period of education and experience building before the system can be 100% operational."

By Norwegian Armed Forces

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