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NH-90 in Norway

2nd March 2010 - 10:59 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Finnish NH-90 crews taking part in Exercise Cold Response 2010 have had the honour of landing the first NH-90 at Bardufoss Air Station, the future home of the type in Norwegian service.

Cold Response has provided the Finnish Armed Forces with valuable training for its NH 90 helicopter crews. Although there are winter and cold in Finland, it is especially the combination of mountains and snow in Norway, which creates the different weather and environmental conditions, says the head of the Finnish helicopter battalion participating in the Cold Response 2010.

The Finns have operated on NH 90 in less than two years, and has made a number of experiences already. The concept of their operation is based on the fundamental idea that by carrying out demanding training, they can solve most issues.

'We operate a tactical transport version of the helicopter, which is used in cooperation with the armies and special forces. But, most recently last week, we assisted in search and rescue - and saved two lives at home in Finland,' said the Finnish battalion commander.

The first Norwegian NH90 is expected at Bardufoss towards the end of 2010. Although Norway is buying the NFH version of the aircraft for both its Coast Guard and the Navy. Many who work in the helicopter environment at Bardufoss are looking forward to seeing the introduction of the new helicopter system. 'We can not wait much to get the first NH 90 machines to Bardufoss, said Air wing chief Geir Gillebo. He added: 'even if it is a period of testing and evaluation, it will be good to get the helicopter in place.'

Source: Norwegian Armed Forces

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