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New Spike missile being integrated on IAF's Apache helicopters

20th February 2018 - 12:15 GMT | by Arie Egozi in Tel Aviv


The Israeli Air Force (IAF) is equipping its AH-64 Apache helicopters with the Rafael Spike LR2, a new fifth-generation variant of the missile family.

Brig Gen Miki Bar, former head of the IAF's helicopters group and commander at Palmachim AFB, said on 18 February that such a capability increased the operational envelope of the helicopter.

‘It allows stand-off engagement with targets that have a lot of firepower,’ he added.

According to Gal Papier, marketing manager, precision tactical systems directorate at Rafael, the Spike LR2 ‘can deal with tanks equipped with active armour systems’.

Spike LR2 was designed against new

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Arie Egozi


Arie Egozi

Born in Israel, Arie Egozi served in the IDF and holds a political science and …

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