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New infrared decoys for French military helicopters

16th June 2009 - 13:05 GMT | by Shephard News Team


As part of the French economic recovery plan, on 18 May 2009, the DGA (French defence procurement agency) awarded a contract to Etienne Lacroix Tous Artifices SA (Etienne Lacroix group), for enhancing the self-protection of helicopters from all three French services with infrared decoys. The contract is worth Eur 13.5 million overall.

The defence component of the economic recovery plan amounts to Eur 2.4 billion and provides for a 10% increase of all funds earmarked for equipment in 2009.

This order equates to 68,500 hours of productive capacity of engineers, technicians and workers – ie about 25 people working full-time for a little less than two years, at the contractor and several of its subcontracting SMEs. It is based on works provided by the 2009-2014 military planning law.

The contract addresses the development and supply of new infrared decoys against cutting-edge very-short-range air-defence missiles. It also provides for the design of future decoys adapted to anticipated missile threats.

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