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K-Max returns from Afghanistan ops

25th July 2014 - 13:00 GMT | by Andrew White in London


The K-Max VTOL cargo UAV has returned to the US following nearly three years of operations in Afghanistan in support of the US Marine Corps, it has been announced.

According to Lockheed Martin, the single platform was recovered from Helmand Province on 11 July having first deployed to theatre in 2011.

The platform, developed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Kaman Aerospace, was used to deliver supplies to patrol bases and forward operating bases to minimise the threat of IEDs to combat logistics patrols on the ground. The airframe is capable of lifting up to 6,000 lbs of cargo at

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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