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Hungary searches for Hip replacement

2nd February 2015 - 16:28 GMT | by Jim Dorschner in Yucatan


The Eastern European military market continues to unearth significant opportunities, with Hungary now firming up plans for a 30 transport helicopter order.

Tactical helicopters will be a top priority of the new Ministry of Defence (MoD) Procurement Office standing up in February, according to Hungarian Minister of Defence Csaba Hende speaking in Budapest on 27 January.

Hende revealed that the MoD has defined formal requirements and made plans to procure around 30 helicopters, requiring an allocation of some $625 million. 

Final approval and allocation of resources is expected within a few months, probably leading to a standard tender process for

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Jim Dorschner


Jim Dorschner

Jim Dorschner is a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel with 24 years service roughly split …

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