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Heli-Expo 2015: Bell ‘concerned’ over surplus helicopters

2nd March 2015 - 21:08 GMT | by Grant Turnbull in Orlando


The US Army’s decision to retire nearly 800 helicopters and potentially sell them on to foreign customers remains a concern for Bell Helicopter, the manufacturer’s CEO has said.

Speaking at Heli-Expo on 2 March, John Garrison said his company currently has a ‘very open and transparent’ dialogue with the US Army on divesting the Bell Helicopter OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and TH-67 Creek training aircraft.

‘We are still concerned,’ said Garrison. ‘And it’s not just for Bell, it’s for the whole industry. We are working very closely with the army in terms the impact of the excess defence articles, specifically around

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Grant Turnbull


Grant Turnbull

Grant Turnbull was the editor of Land Warfare International and Digital Battlespace magazines with Shephard …

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